The Walking Dead – Just look at the flowers

Last updated on January 26th, 2023 at 08:38 pm

Melissa McBride. who plays Carol in the Walking Dead,poses at the Saturn Awards looking a little sad
Los,Angeles,-,Jun,26:,Melissa,Mcbride,At,The,Saturn Awards

True Fans of the AMC drama, “The Walking Dead” understand the poignancy of the words “Just look at the flowers”. We understand the tremendous impact that this single scene has on Carol and the people in her life…

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Yellow Flower
Just look at the flowers

If you know about the flowers, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll ace our quiz. Just to keep it interesting though, some questions require some knowledge about the Walking Dead comics book series.

Take the Quiz….

Plays Merle Dixon

The TV series is based on the comic book series of the same name written by ________.

Hershel’s profession

The Saviors lived in ________.

Maggie’s sister

This beloved character does not exist in the comic.

In the comic series, before the walkers appeared, Rick Grimes was sherrif in the small town of   ______, _.

“The Govenor” is the leader of this community

The leader of Alexandria (TV series)

Ezekial’s right hand man, steward, body guard and friend. A true warrior.