Last updated on July 13th, 2024 at 02:33 pm

Welcome to our Halloween Quiz. Fun for the whole family.

A full moon on Halloween is tradition, right?  Well not really, the next Halloween  full moon will occur in 2020. When was the last time the moon was full on Halloween?

The number one Halloween Candy in the US according to

This US state is the #1 producer of pumpkins, producing up to 500 million pounds of pumpkins.

What was the #1 selling Halloween costume for dogs in 2018?

Original Jack O'Lanterns were carved out of these

What time is the witching hour?

In the olden days bonfires and wearing of costumes were to:

This Celtic Festival, held on Ocotber 31st, the last day of the year in the Celtic calendar celebrated the final day of harvest and the crossing of spirits over into the other world

This is banned by law in Hollywood, California on Halloween

In the eighteenth century unmarried lasses would compete in this activity, because the winner would be married first

This Halloween triva quiz is suitable for all ages.

Published by Dyl Eulenspiegel

Fictional Character based on the Great Till Eulenspiegel of Lore. Folly Governeth the World, not just a saying, but how it's always been. Creating Quizzes for the Everyman, for fun and education.

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